KOM mug – Meilleurs Grimpeur French style

During a last minute dash through the mini-mart in a small French town, as we were gearing up to leave after a week’s skiing, that this mug caught my eye. I’ve been a fan of the KOM polka-dot shirt since long before Strava started to claim some sort of copyright, so this mug seemed perfect… a spotty shirt and bike, what could be wrong with that…


So it was into the shopping bag, buried under crisps and snacks for the journey home.

Fast forward a couple of days, the last of the unpacking is done and a cup of tea in the new mug beckons…

The title on the mug reads “meilleurs grimpeur”, which translates as “best climbers”, which might explain the ‘other side’ of the mug… so French 🙂

meilleurs grimpeur KOM mug
meilleurs grimpeur KOM mug
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