Mombee and the Malmesbury Peloton have literally hundreds of years of collective experience learning to ride bikes, generally by falling off of them. So we have now taken to capturing those experiences on video so that other, less experienced, riders can learn from us (and your mistakes – Ed).
This year we have had the opportunity to extend our experiences to the snow and even here show a natural aptitude for learning quickly… by falling over.
An early foray into the world of video had a group of the Malmesbury Peloton excelling (or not) at crossing a river on mountain bikes…
In part 2 we work on cornering technique, demonstrating clearly that committing to a good lean as you enter the corner is definitely the best (way to fall off)…
We’re always open to tackling really technical routes, we do it so well…
Part 4 took us back to the river, and I’d like to say that we’d improved… however…
In the next instalment, one of the Peloton demonstrated that a speedy dismounts needn’t be restricted to cyclocrossers…
Part 6 was a spin in the snow, demonstrating that studs in your bike tyres are essential for safe perambulation along icy roads… needless to say I didn’t have any studs in my tyres…
I apologise (a little) for this next video, as it lacks some of the humour of the others. However it is a text book story of how a perfect day can go horribly wrong in seconds… suffice to say it ended up with a four stay in Gloucester A&E and thirty stitches in my chin (I have heavily editted the video to take the blood out of it)…
Fortunately, soon after the ‘crash’ we had a boys trip out past Marlborough, where we witnessed some spectacular hill-climbing skills…
And finally, this is Rani, who is one of the world’s best cats… unfortunately she went missing in November 2014 and we’d really like her back, so if anyone knows of a beautiful tortoiseshell cat looking like this that truned up as a stray late last year somewhere between Malmesbury and Bath, then please get in touch…