Mombee builds snowboards… My dad was dead handy in the garage and he loved nothing more than building something with wood, it could have been repairing a friend's dinghy, building proper shelves at home or renovating some old furniture, it didn't really matter. Clearly some of that interest rubbed off and now I've started to make snowboards. It's very early days, but we're serious about it and investing real time & money in getting Mombee Snowboards off the ground.
Mombee is also about design and being creative… I love fonts and graphic arts… another passion is the hard arts of pens and pencils. I love the way that we can take advantage of new technologies to enhance our graphic work, but I am a huge fan of people who create original designs from scratch.
Mombee loves bikes… that's push-bikes and bicycles. Bikes are my passion…I've falling off of them since I was a wee-lad and think that they're one of the world's greatest inventions. They're a leveller of the nth degree - bringing people together for picnics, trips to the shops, road races, muddy excursions in the woods, towpath forays with the kids, etc, etc.
Mombee is also about project and product delivery and in the real-world my background is delivering large digital project and programmes for high profile organisations, including Telefonica, Virgin, Mercedes and Orange.