Selle Italia Flite Giro d’Italia Ltd 2014 – First impressions

It may well fly in the face of any Velominiati rule, but my new saddle is a thing of beauty. My Cannondale had had a Selle Italia SLR Gel-flow on it, and for most of my riding (one to three hours around Malmesbury) it was better than my Brookes Swift… the Brookes only really came into own on four hour rides. But the SLR was starting to show its age and a Wiggle voucher from friends meant investing in a new saddle was a sound option… the other option was new shoes (fluro-yellow Sidi shoes), but that’s a different post altogether.


The logical choice was a new SLR and Selle Italia do a natty red version, which appealed to my slightly rebellious nature, but a bit of homework lead me towards the Flite. When I borrowed Paul’s Planet-X that had a Flite, so I new that it would a reasonable option and so it’s proved.


Out of the box the saddle is beautiful (have I already mentioned that?), with its lightly padded white surface and titanium rails… and Giro D’Italia graphics… fantastico!


I’m one ride in (30k yesterday, 14th July) and it’s proven to be a good choice. It’s defintely a harder ride than the Gelflow, but its got enough ‘give’ in the surface to allow a rider to settle in and enjoy the ride.

More feedback to follow…


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